{"id":543,"date":"2013-08-29T20:27:54","date_gmt":"2013-08-30T00:27:54","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/thebloggingrapper.com\/?p=543"},"modified":"2013-08-30T11:50:28","modified_gmt":"2013-08-30T15:50:28","slug":"blog-daily-enjoy","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/thebloggingrapper.com\/blog-daily-enjoy\/","title":{"rendered":"How To Blog DAILY And Enjoy It!"},"content":{"rendered":"

As a blogger, you know that being consistent is pretty important when it comes to creating content. With that in mind, you try to set your schedule to include writing a blog daily, I mean, how hard can it be, right? It’s just one article a day…<\/p>\n

Sure, you get a few good blog articles out the door, but as the days go on you realize…huh… I’m running out of ideas… what now?<\/p>\n

Then you miss a day…and that day turns to a week…<\/p>\n

…and that week turns into a month!<\/p>\n

Is Blogging A CHORE Or A Pleasure?<\/h2>\n

\"computer-exhaustion\"<\/a>Most bloggers enjoy what they do. They enjoy writing about things that interests them and thus, interests others. It’s easy to build a readership when you enjoy writing because other people can pick up on that. If blogging is a chore for you, then chances are, most people are going to sense that about you in your writings…so, let’s be real here – you’re not gonna fool anybody.<\/p>\n

If you like blogging, then GREAT, keep it going! If you don’t like blogging, well, my friend… it may be difficult at first, but I have some good tips to get you to enjoy blogging:<\/p>\n

How Can I Learn To Enjoy Blogging?<\/h2>\n



I may come off as a nagging parent from your days in high school, but if you want to enjoy writing – you’re going to have to enjoy READING! The written word comes in a full circle, meaning that both reading and writing go hand-in-hand: You have to enjoy both if you want to enjoy either one.<\/p>\n

Now, let me explain another benefit reading has for the aspiring blogger: <\/span><\/p>\n

Reading literally GIVES you ideas to blog about!!!<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

Perhaps the biggest discouragement that keeps blog writers from being successful is they don’t feel they have enough to talk about… But HEY, if you’re reading books (particularly ones within your niche) then you’re GIVEN topics to discuss!<\/p>\n

It’s like someone is LITERALLY handing you ALL the material you could ever need to put on your blog… You would have material to write on for the next year even!<\/p>\n

I read a book a few months ago called “The Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind”<\/span> by T. Harv Eker<\/strong>\u00a0(BUY IT NOW: Click Here<\/a>) and \u00a0as I was reading through the book, I blogged and made videos for my YouTube every day based on the material I was learning from it. I didn’t have to think hard, nor did I have to go out looking for what to talk about – I HAD IT IN THE PALM OF MY HANDS!!!!<\/p>\n

I mean, this particular book is a few hundred pages… Just how many ways can I break this thing up into individual topics?<\/p>\n

Reading books gives you everything you could possibly talk about in your blog… and there are infinite amounts of books within many niches in all of literature!\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n

So this really cuts out ALL your effort right there. All you need to do is READ and WRITE.<\/p>\n



Okay, nothing pales in comparison to reading a book in order to get topics for your blog, but let’s just say you’re a little lazier than I am \ud83d\ude09 Hard to fathom, I’m sure!<\/p>\n

Anyway, movies are a good resource for material as well… provided you choose the right movies! No, Christian Bale and Heath Ledger<\/span> in The Dark Knight<\/strong> are NOT going to enlighten you on making an income from home, so put that bluray disc away!<\/p>\n

No… what you need to watch are movies that relate to your story. I recommend the underdog movies and movies directed by underdogs. One notable director who I enjoy is Tyler Perry<\/span>. I love his story and I enjoy… most of his movies. Tyler Perry came from literally nothing and became a multi-millionaire with hard work!<\/p>\n

Don’t believe me? Listen to what Tyler Perry has to say on his success:\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n


[youtube id=”xhiuI7u1P7w” mode=”normal” align=”center”]<\/p>\n

Now why do I suggest watching Tyler Perry’s movies? Well, because you’ll see there are subtle influences behind his movies reflecting his own testimony.His own life and experiences are hidden within his movies.<\/p>\n

Also, I’m a BIG advocate for following after successful people who give back.<\/p>\n

Here are some movies I HIGHLY recommend watching: <\/strong><\/p>\n

(NOTE: These recommendations are not for how they rank in the box office or the language and violence, they’re recommended based on their underlying themes that can motivate you)<\/strong><\/p>\n