{"id":920,"date":"2013-11-10T20:13:27","date_gmt":"2013-11-11T01:13:27","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/thebloggingrapper.com\/?p=920"},"modified":"2017-07-01T23:35:31","modified_gmt":"2017-07-02T03:35:31","slug":"youtube-tips-automate-youtube-channel-works-247","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/thebloggingrapper.com\/youtube-tips-automate-youtube-channel-works-247\/","title":{"rendered":"YouTube Tips: How To Automate Your YouTube Channel So It Works 24\/7"},"content":{"rendered":"

Ahh…Good Ol’ YouTube! Most people who know me here know me for my YouTube channel. That’s where it all began!<\/p>\n

When people ask me how I got so popular and generated literally TENS of THOUSANDS of dollars in ONE year… I tell them my BIG BIG secret:<\/span><\/p>\n


Then I hear the common complaints….<\/p>\n

Here’s an average conversation between me and someone who complains that YouTube isn’t working for them:<\/h3>\n

Them:\u00a0<\/strong>What’s your SECRET?! How do you make so much money online?? TELL ME! I promise I won’t tell!!!<\/p>\n

Me:<\/strong> YouTube.<\/p>\n

Them:<\/strong> ….No, really. What’s the secret??? What do you use???<\/p>\n

Me:\u00a0<\/strong>Really, YouTube.<\/p>\n

Them:<\/strong> ….Seriously? I don’t believe you.<\/p>\n

Me:\u00a0<\/strong>Why not? Wait, let me ask… How many videos do you have on your YouTube channel?<\/p>\n

Them:<\/strong> Two.<\/p>\n

Me:\u00a0<\/strong>How long have you been working on this?<\/p>\n

Them:\u00a0<\/strong>Two weeks.<\/p>\n


Them:\u00a0<\/strong>…Yah, so what’s the secret?!?! TELL ME!!!!!!<\/p>\n

Me:<\/strong> *facepalm*<\/p>\n


The TRUTH Of Being Successful On YouTube<\/h2>\n

No matter WHAT – you HAVE TO build momentum in your business!!! When I became successful, all eyes were on me! People ask, insist, bribe, and beg me for answers on how I got to be so successful.. then when I tell them, they think I’m lying to them!<\/p>\n

That’s because nobody saw me in the beginning. Nobody saw me grinding till 3am every night.<\/p>\n

Nobody saw the weeks that passed where I had absolutely NO results whatsoever!<\/p>\n

Nobody saw me battling depression, discouragement and thinking the same thing most people think: “This isn’t working!”<\/p>\n

They only saw when I became successful and thought it came in an instant.<\/p>\n

Rule of thumb:\u00a0<\/strong>What you reap, you will sow. (Gal. 6:7)<\/p>\n

How To Make Your YouTube Channel Work For YOU 24\/7<\/h2>\n

Now, I started with that story and the truth of being successful, because no matter what you do, you still will have to build momentum and success is ALWAYS built on the foundation of HARD-WORK… the lazy ones are the quitters, so I don’t want to share this “secret” with anyone who is lazy and is only going to use this for a couple days before giving up.<\/p>\n

THIS TOOL that I’m going to suggest to you is PHENOMENAL and here’s why:<\/p>\n