Gabourey Sidibe Owned Twitter Critics!

Gabourey Sidibe was at the Golden Globes award show last night and some pictures of her in her beautiful dress made it on Twitter – which of course, morons will be morons…

A slew of nasty comments naturally appeared on Twitter in response and when Gabby had the chance, she responded to those nasty messages with the following:

Gabby was one of the sweetest girls I met when I lived in NYC. We actually went to church together for a while and her with her best friend used to be very quiet but always smiling and very friendly. Gabby gives the best hugs too 🙂

When I moved to Texas, her movie Precious came out and of course, my jaw dropped to the floor! LOL

It’s amazing that Gabby is at the level she is and I know she got there the right way – hard work!

Anyway, to all the idiots talking crap about her weight… Oh my Lord, I feel sorry for you. Oh…my…Lord… how stupid can people be?

Still, say what you want if that’s what makes you feel better… Reality is, you’re pathetic and she’s living her dreams.

Simple as that.

Go Gabby!

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