Judge Sentenced Iraq Vet To Jail Despite Vet Seeking Help Prior To Incident

Our veterans give up their lives for us… No matter what you think about this country, there are heroes who put themselves in the line of fire believing they are fighting for our freedom and are willing to die for them.

In order to be successful, rigorous training is often required. Sometimes… our government feels a stripping of moral is necessary in order to fuel a soldier’s rage against the “enemy”.

As such… when our soldiers come home, there is obviously a time to re-adjust to a more calm and civil lifestyle…

However, sometimes it’s just not easy.

Here is a story of a young veteran by the name of Andrew Chambers. He is incarcerated by the court as being a threat to society.

Problem here is, he came to government for HELP as he acknowledged his adjustment wasn’t going well and needed some guidance before doing anything he would regret.

What he got was no where near what he needed and now he is serving as a prisoner because of something that should have been prevented.

Watch The Video Below To See The Full Story:

[youtube id=”X6AYmzunPlQ” mode=”normal” align=”center”]

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