Origami Owl Is A HOOT! Can You Make $100-300 A Day With Them?

The other day I read up about a pretty little entrepreneur by the name of Isabella “Bella” Weems. She’s a bundle of cuteness who is living the American dream by starting up a thriving business called “Origami Owl”.

Like most entrepreneurial endeavors, Origami Owl started out as a simple project to make a few bucks. Isabella simply wanted to raise money for a car… but that idea soon boomed into a seven figure business!

What Is Origami Owl?

isabella-weemsWhat makes Origami Owl work, is not only the concept of charm bracelets and lockets, it’s the fact that materials are bought wholesale, then marked up and sold through “hostesses” who hold jewelry parties ala Mary Kay style.

For a young girl at 16 to come up with this concept and make it actually WORK is a stroke of brilliance! Bella and her mom run the company together with hundreds of independent woman underneath, allowing for opportunities of financial freedom and co-owning the business model.

How To Make Money With Origami Owl:

Origami Owl is a multi-level marketing business like many you see out there. The product is solid and a delight for any girl who enjoys collecting jewelry, however, success is not simply in the product – it’s in the individual selling the product. Without the workers, a business can’t thrive and so if you’re looking to become a hostess, you need to know what to expect:

Three Things To Know About Selling Origami Owl

Can people be successful with Origami Owl? Yes, of course! However, if this is an endeavor, you’re seeking, you need to understand the following:

  1. Your Audience: If you are going to sell “Origami Owl” you need to understand this one principle that applies to any business – “PEOPLE DON’T BUY FROM A BUSINESS, THEY BUY FROM THE PERSON” This means, you need to have some confidence in your product and be as excited as your audience should be. Gage their reactions and ease their concerns. Also, consider how big your audience is. Are your potential sales just the people in your neighborhood? Where else can you potentially make a sale and how good are you at expanding your business?
  2. Your Inventory: Being an independent sales rep (or hostess) means you’re going to have to keep some product in your house to get started. This means there are some obvious start-up costs to owning your business. Maybe you don’t have to keep a lot inventory in your house, but you certainly need some to wow your friends AKA potential customers. Be prepared to spend some before you can make some.
  3. Your Time: Now, how much time between work and catering to the house is up to you… but if you are going to run a successful business, you need to know that time VALUABLE to you and you need to be good at managing it. If you can’t find the time to book party after party, then your business will become more of a hobby and you won’t see many sales. Businesses thrive at all times of the day, so you need to be able to invest your time into it.
Related:  Commission Buddy - Affiliate Product Review

build-your-owl-living-locket-origami-owl-alisha-lampley-coily-locks-charms-necklace-jewelryDon’t Have Time To Book Party After Party… After Party?

Or maybe you just don’t have the start-up money to get into this business? I mean, you’re interested because you like the product, but you also are interested because you need to make some cash! Well, it does take money to make money but what if you don’t HAVE money to make money?

Fear not! There is a way to make money without having to invest any money!

“Wait a sec… are you saying I can do this…for FREE?”

Pretty much.

Take A Moment To Watch This Video:

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Jason Torres
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