YouTube Geek Week: I’m A Game Geek!

This week, YouTubers are getting their ‘Geek On’ with some creative ways to show their geeky side thanks to YouTube Geek Week! Of course, I didn’t want to be left out of this one! In this video, I show you my video game collection and fittingly enough, I’m wearing a Sonic the Hedgehog hat, shirt and gloves!

Just try not to laugh too hard… I mean, after all – you know you’re a geek too! 

Join in on the YouTube Geek Week Fun!

[youtube id=”oV6c3TfgpEs” mode=”normal” align=”center”]

In my next video, I’ll be showing off some more of my geekiness (I know that isn’t a word, big whoop) and show off some other goodies I have in my house. Till then, Much Love, God Bless, PEACE!

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Jason Torres The Blogging Rapper

Jason Torres
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