How To Write A Killer E-Mail For Your Business

Mailing List - Traditional form of e-mail marketing

If you’re running a home business or business of any kind, you know that having and communicating with a list of e-mails is very important. You will find yourself becoming successful and enjoying long term sales by doing this.

In a previous article, I covered the very basics of e-mail marketing; so if you haven’t gone through that one yet, I suggest reading it before reading any more of this article.

Now let’s discuss how to actually write an e-mail

Assuming you’ve figured out your niche market and you are already cultivating a healthy relationship with them like what I cover with my Facebook strategy, we’ll now cover what makes a good e-mail.

First thing’s first; you’re going to need an autoresponder. If you don’t have one, you can sign up with Aweber and try it for $1 for the first month.

When writing an e-mail to your list, you need to consider:

The Content

What’s the point of your e-mail? The content needs to be compelling enough for your readers not to just glance over it casually and moving on. If you’re subject is always the same (make money, make money make money just buy this!!!) then your readers are going to label your e-mails as spam and you’ll never be able to reach them again.

So when it comes to the content, think of something that would interest your niche audience and run with that.

Subject Line

I usually leave this for after I’ve written my e-mail. The subject line is what sums up the point of your e-mail so if you could take all the content and summarize it in 5-10 words, what would it be?

Related:  What to do when one person subscribes to multiple lists?

Keep in mind the subject line is the FIRST thing your readers will see when they’re scrolling through their e-mails. This makes the subject line probably the most important part of the entire e-mail because without a strong title, your readers will just ignore it and move on to something that does catch their attention. You’re competing with all the other e-mails in their inbox… get their attention!


In every e-mail, give your audience something to do. The call-to-action is the direction you give them at the end of the e-mail. Think about what you want them to do: Do you want them to click on a link? If so, where does that link take them and what should they do from there? Be specific so that it’s “fool-proof”.

The Flow

When I say “flow” I mean how an e-mail reads to your peeps. I usually start mine with a pleasantry so typically I’ll say “hey friend” or “Happy Friday” or something like that.

Afterward, I get into story-mode where I tell the content in a way that is engaging to my audience. An e-mail should be 80% value, 20% pitchy. That means most of the e-mail should be content and the last bit should be the call-to-action.

Always give your readers something to do. You want them engaged with you. If you don’t, they won’t see much merit to your e-mails.

Did you find this article helpful?

If so, subscribe below for more follow-ups on this series. I’ll be cover other aspects of home business and right now my audience is interested in information about e-mail marketing, which is what I’m going to be teaching over the course of the next few weeks.

Related:  SUCCESS TIP: Happiness Is OKAY!

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