Why You Should Never Pay Attention To Statistics

I’m going to run a few statistics by you and then explain why you should never pay attention to them:

  • Statistically, in this country, 50% of all marriages in America end in divorce.
  • Statistically, long distance relationships “never work out”.
  • Statistically, you have better luck winning the lottery than getting struck by lightning… Although, tell that to the guy who gets struck… twice.
  • And finally… statistically, you cannot succeed working from home.statistics-education-research-day1

 Statistics Are Good But Here’s Why You Should Never Pay Attention To Them

If you wanted to go out and do something and you felt very good about it, but someone came up and gave you some statistic that shows you what you want to do is improbable… what’s going to go through your mind?

In a word: Doubt.

If it was the night before your wedding and you’re already feeling pre-wedding day jitters and your best man comes up and blurts out that half of all marriages in America end in divorce… what do you think that’s going to do to you?

Fill your head with doubt.

But aren’t statistics based on facts? Aren’t statistics true?

That’s the funny thing…

Simply Because Something Is True, Does That Mean I Should Pay Attention?

services_family_law_and_divorceSo yes, half of the marriages in America wind up sucking; we all know that. Does that mean you shouldn’t get married?

Dumb question.

But… why is it a dumb question when the statistic is…TRUE?

The reason is because we generally think in a one-dimensional mindset. In this current age where we get any information we want with the convenience of tapping on a touch screen… We tend to rely a little too much on the “If this then that” formula.

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“If I put this quarter in this vending machine… I will get my nutty nut bar.”

We have a black-and-white mentality.

Thing is… there is a very good reason why statistics are the way they are…


How To Properly Analyze Statistics

Let’s stick with the marriage issue. We agree that marriages suck for most people yet we also agree that it shouldn’t keep you from getting married. The assumed question is “Why get married anyway when you have a 50/50 chance of getting a divorce?”

That’s incorrect. The correct question should be:

WHY are half of all Americans getting divorces?”

We understand the statistic at face value, but we neglect to take a look at the parameters.

I’m sure there’s an endless list of reasons why people divorce each other, and off the top of my head some of those reasons include:

  • Financial stress
  • Trust issues
  • Infidelity
  • Abuse
  • Change of career or personal goals
  • Their upbringing

So does this mean that you’re doomed from the start if you fall in love and get married? Heck no. Look at my marriage. I don’t know about you, but to me, the logical answer would be to discuss with my spouse all the reasons why people divorce, then come up with a mutual plan to avoid them. I’m thinking the success rate of our marriage would be much higher if we communicated those things and are PREPARED for the same issues that many couples aren’t.

 Preparing Yourself To Combat Statistics

So on a social level, it’s mutually understood that long distance relationships don’t last either, right? Or what about terminal illnesses? If someone has a terminal illness, should they simply give up living? I don’t know… I’m a believer in God… and I’ve seen some miraculous healings. But one thing I know is it doesn’t come from simply wishing to get healed. In the same manner as before, it’s about making a choice.

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Maybe even after all the preparation of avoiding divorce, after 20 years of marriage you wind up getting divorced anyway. Maybe after months of battling cancer and believing they will be healed, this person still passes away. Does this make them wrong? Does this mean they should have accepted the statistic?

  • Was the cancer patient wrong for believing in their healing and fighting for it? Would it have been better for them to simply accept their inevitable doom and give up?
  • Well, what if the person with cancer DID get healed?
  • What if the marriage lasted a lifetime?
  • What if that long distance relationship blossomed to a loving marriage? 
  • What if that small home business that paid you $500 a month grew to a 7-figure salary?

Lot of “what ifs” right?

My point is, there’s a lot about life we don’t [and likely] will never understand. We only have one life and get one shot at this. We should make it as good as we desire it to be, shouldn’t we?

Get married. Fight for your life. Free your income potential. Live. Your. Life.