Make Money Blogging Tip #1: How To Sell Products

All righty my friends! Today I’m going to start a series of articles discussing how you can make money online with your blog! Before we begin, of course, there’s one thing you need in order to start making money with your blog… and that’s your blog! There are many blogging platforms out there, but let me quickly give you a couple recommendations:

  1. Empower NetworkCLICK HERE This is the viral blogging platform that’s really becoming popular. You can see its current Alexa ranking to see how it ranks alongside several other websites. If you choose this option, I have special offers to get traffic for your blog right away! Feel free to ask fore more info.
  2. Self Hosted Blog CLICK HERE If you wish to host your own blog, I can set it up for you for FREE if you click the link provided.

Sweet, now that you have your blog, let’s get you some money….

Selling Products With Your Blog

blog-moneyThe first thing you need to know is you don’t have to be a salesman or use a sales pitch in order to sell products on your blog. Just look at my blog. Do you see me creating articles trying to pitch you product after product? Of course not. Occasionally, I may do a product review and recommendation (such as the recommendation I suggested above) but I’m not wasting my effort trying to sell you a product. Instead, I focus on offering you value and education that you can use to better yourself. My goal is genuine, and I look forward to helping others. When it comes to selling products on your blog, the biggest way of doing so is through banner ads strategically placed. You of course want it to be obvious, but not over-the-top spammy.

Related:  How To Funnel Your Tasks So You Can Work Less Hours And Do More

What Can You Sell?

Well, you can sell just about anything, but ideally, you want to remain in your niche. If I have a blog that is geared towards video gamers, why would I sponsor ads to promote Barbie dolls? Wouldn’t it be better to have ads that is geared towards a gamer’s interest? The concept is simple, so once you have figured out your niche (or target audience), you can lay out a plan and start searching for ads that will draw your readers from your article to your advertisement. Don’t know what your niche is? Click here to read a helpful article that will help you figure that out.

How Banner Ads Can Make You Money

You want to keep your audience coming back to your blog article after article, which is why you focus on creating valuable content instead of the ol’ pitchy salesman gig. So as long as you are doing so, you’ll build audience retention. As for how banner ads specifically can make you money, it depends on the source you choose. There are many options out there, and here are some that I recommend:

  1. Google Adsense – The obvious first choice is Google. They’re the world’s leading search engine, so their reach is practically everywhere. Another great thing about Google Adsense is their algorithm. They understand your reader’s interests because they essentially follow what your reader searches for on the internet. This means Google Adsense ads will target your reader using their interests – even if you don’t know what they are.
  2. Amazon Affiliates – The second choice is Amazon, which is perhaps the biggest online store on the web. Through Amazon’s affiliate program, you can create your own store or referral codes and more and receive a slice of the pie for each sale made. The only draw to this is, if you’re making your own store, you need to know your niche and what products can best serve them. However, if you’re familiar with your niche, that shouldn’t be a problem. Just think what can best serve you would be what can best serve your audience.
Related:  Want A Successful Blog? C - Is For Community!

As I stated before, you don’t need to offer a sales pitch to make this work. You just need to build audience retention and drive traffic to your blog.

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Jason Torres The Blogging Rapper

Jason Torres
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